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Should You Repair or Replace Your Windows?

Should You Repair or Replace Your Windows?

There are a few signs that you can look out for which will help you decide whether your windows need repairing or replacing. Our highly experienced glaziers throughout London have come together and put together this list which will help you make your decision or if you prefer speaking with us, simply call us on 0330 133 1655.

when to repair or replace your windows

When to repair your windows

Broken or cracked glass

The damaged glass should be repaired and fixed as soon as possible; not only does it affect your home's efficiency, but it can also be dangerous for you and your family. So if the glass panels on your windows show signs of cracks, you need to get them repaired as soon as possible.

Poor Exterior Window Casing 

Whether it's loose, cracked, rotting or missing, if your exterior casing experiences this, it can cause your window to get damaged. You need to make sure to remove the casing with a new one to prevent your windows from getting damaged further. 

Stuck Sashes 

This often occurs in older windows, where the upper or lower sashes are unable to move. This is often caused if the sash has come off track which can be easily fixed by our professional glaziers throughout London, including Fulham, Tooting and Wimbledon.

When to replace your windows

Glass is fogging up

When condensation occurs, it causes windows to fog up. High levels of humidity can cause the windows to mould or rot, affecting the insulation of your home. It can be repaired by drilling a small hole to release the moisture, but we highly recommend fully replacing your windows.

We can handle a window replacement in London, including Chelsea, Fulham, and Wimbledon, as well as many other cities across the UK. 

Windows are hard to open and close

A major inconvenience and potential safety risk can arise from windows that are difficult to open or close or that won't stay open. This problem may occasionally be fixed with straightforward maintenance or fixes. If the issue doesn't go away, though, it can mean that your windows need to be replaced because they're old and worn out. 

Modern windows include sophisticated hardware and mechanisms that make opening, closing, and locking them more simple. They are also made to function smoothly and effortlessly. For the safety of your family and to ensure that your home has enough ventilation, make sure your windows are simple to open and close.

You’re making aesthetic changes to your home 

Your taste in design and the general appearance of your house may change over time. It may be an excellent reason to replace your current windows if they no longer complement the architectural style of your home or the type you want. Your home's curb appeal and interior design can be improved by updating your windows, giving it a more aesthetically pleasing and coherent appearance. 

A plethora of styles, colours, and finishes are available for new windows to fit your preferences, whether you're opting for a modern, conventional, or personalised look. 

It's crucial to make sure your windows enhance the overall attractiveness and aesthetics of your house in addition to being functional. Speak to one of glaziers in London, Manchester, Sheffield, and other cities across the country for expert advice. 

You want to increase your property value

The value of your house may increase if you upgrade your windows. New windows might be a compelling selling feature for prospective buyers if you intend to sell your house soon. Modern and energy-efficient windows might help you ask for a higher selling price when selling your house. 

They can also make your home more marketable. Increasing the value of your house is a long-term investment, even if you don't want to sell right away.

There is excess moisture around your windows

Moisture or water leaks around your windows are a dead giveaway that something is wrong. Water intrusion can cause weakened insulation, mould growth, and structural damage. 

You should think about replacing your windows if there is a lot of condensation or if there is obvious water damage on the window frames or the walls around them. Modern windows installed correctly can stop water leaks and guarantee a dry and cosy living area.

Choosing between replacing your windows and repairing heavily depends on the issue you are experiencing with your existing windows. If you are still unsure whether you get your windows repaired or replaced, our window fitters are on hand to guide you through it. Call our team on 0330 133 1655 and we will be happy to help.
