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How to train your cat to use a cat flap

Cat flaps and pet doors can be a great way to allow your cat a free-flowing method of playing on your property and your garden or outside space. This is great, but as we all know, cats rarely do what you want them to do. So just how do you train a cat to use a cat flap? We've got a step-by-step guide and the dos and don'ts below. 

If you are looking for cat flap fitters in London, Manchester, Nottingham, Birmingham, and the rest of the UK, contact our friendly team by calling us on 0330 133 1655

Cat Flap

A step-by-step guide to training your cat to use a cat flap 

First, Teach Them to Get In and Out

  • Introduce the Cat Flap: If your cat is wary of the cat flap, start by simply showing it to them. Hold the door to the flap open and use treats to lure them closer. The goal is to make the cat feel comfortable around the new addition to their environment.
  • Positive Reinforcement: As your cat gets more accustomed to the cat flap, reward them frequently with treats. This positive reinforcement helps associate the cat flap with something pleasant.
  • Encourage Passage: Hold a treat on the other side of the cat flap and call your cat's name to encourage them to go through. Be patient and gentle, repeating this process until your cat is happy to go through the cat flap in both directions. This might take a few days, so patience is key.

Next, Teach Them to Push the Door

  • Introduce Pushing: Once your cat is comfortable going back and forth through an open cat flap, it’s time to teach them to push the door on their own. Shut the cat flap but prop it open just a little so your cat can see the other side but has to push to get through. This step teaches them the mechanism of the flap.
  • Gradual Removal of Prop: Gradually reduce the amount you prop the cat flap open until your cat learns to push through completely on their own. Reward them with treats each time they successfully push the flap.
  • Handle Special Features: If your cat flap has a microchip or magnet activation, be aware that the ‘click’ as the flap unlocks might startle timid cats. Persevere with treats and encouragement, and your cat will eventually get used to the sound.

The Do's and Don'ts of Training Your Cat to Use a Cat Flap


  • Be Patient: Accept that this is a gradual process and will take time. There’s no quick fix when it comes to training a cat to use a cat flap.
  • Use Positive Reinforcement: Give your cat lots of encouragement and praise throughout the training. Treats, gentle petting, and a calm voice can work wonders.
  • Keep Training Sessions Short: Cats have short attention spans. Keep training sessions brief but frequent to maintain their interest.
  • Make It Fun: Turn the training into a game. Use their favourite toys along with treats to encourage them to use the cat flap.


  • Rush the Process: Trying to speed up the process can lead to frustration for both you and your cat. Let your cat set the pace.
  • Get Frustrated: Cats are sensitive to your emotions. Getting annoyed or impatient can make them more reluctant to use the cat flap.
  • Force Your Cat: Never force your cat through the cat flap. This can create a negative association and make the training process longer.

Contact Hunters Glass Ltd today for cat flap installation in Birmingham, Manchester, Nottingham & London

Here at Hunters Glass, we offer a fitting service for all types of cat flaps and pet doors throughout London, Leeds, Sheffield, Manchester, Birmingham, Nottingham, Peterborough and the rest of the UK. 

Give us a call today at 0330 133 1655 or use our contact form to book your fitting. If you want more information, check out our cat flap page

Alternatively, you can email a photo of your door or window that you would like the cat flap fitted into and we can then send you an estimate. Please send your image to enquiries@huntersglass.co.uk